In case you missed it….
In case you missed it… we at Preferred Pest Control celebrated Termite Awareness Week last month! Perry and Matt sat down to have a discussion on all things termites. You can catch the replay along with other valuable information on termites on our FaceBook page as well as on our YouTube Channel.
Spring is right around the corner…
Let Preferred Pest Control get your home ready for Spring!
We provide highly effective eco-friendly and family-friendly pest management specifically designed to treat and prevent pests common to the Midwest.
By selecting one of our Preferred Choice Plans, you will be on your way to the instant relief and long-term protection you deserve.
We also now offer same-day service Monday-Thursday if you call our office at 816-279-2000 before 1 pm!
The Bronze Plan:
Insects covered: Ants, beetles, spiders, wasps, crickets, rodents.
On a quarterly basis, we will provide a preventative exterior treatment for seasonal insects and rodents with standard rodent boxes. The client also receives an extra exterior treatment to use as needed. PLUS, a 5% discount on any additional services, such as interior treatments or mosquitoes, not included on the plan.
The Silver Plan:
Insects covered: Ants, beetles, spiders, wasps, crickets, rodents, roaches, pantry pests, silverfish.
On a quarterly basis we will provide a preventative pest control treatment for seasonal insects on the interior & exterior of your home. We will also provide rodent control inside and out with our standard rodent system. The client also receives two extra treatments to use as needed.
Everything the Bronze plan offers PLUS, interior preventative treatments for seasonal insects, interior rodent control with standard bait boxes, TWO extra treatments to use as needed. PLUS, 10% discount on any additional services such as mosquito control or yard treatments.
The Gold Plan:
Insects Covered: (same as Silver) plus termites & bedbugs.
Everything the Silver Plan gets plus protection against termites & bed bugs. If termites or bed bugs, the two costliest pests to treat for in the Midwest, you’re covered at no additional cost! On the Gold plan, you are upgraded to decorative bait boxes for inconspicuous rodent control. PLUS, a 15% discount on any additional services needed.
If you have any questions or would like to start your treatment please call our office at 816-279-2000.
Bed bugs keeping you up at night?
Bed bug infestations can be one of the most traumatic and difficult experiences a homeowner has to deal with. Once you have experienced a night with bed bugs, you’ll quickly realize you will never want to do it again. Thankfully we have a solution that will have you resting peacefully for a long time to come!
Our Rest Assured Program keeps your home protected from bed bugs and you resting peacefully night after night. Our proven Rest Assured program provides highly effective and long-lasting results for homeowners to keep bed bugs out of your home.
Monthly Rest Assured Plan includes:
Thorough inspection – An experienced pest management professional who is trained on how to detect the early signs of trouble will inspect your home for common bed bug hiding and nesting sites.
Guaranteed Service – if live bed bugs are found or if any new signs of bed bug activity are detected, we respond swiftly & at no extra cost to you.
Pest Prevention – Complementary interior pest prevention treatment performed at each appointment to keep your home free of common household insects.
If you have a bed bug problem or if you are experiencing itchy bite marks, give us a call or request a free inspection online.
It’s time for you to Rest Assured!
Jamie B Music
(Click on the picture below for a short video)

Protecting and Preserving Health
Preferred Pest Control is prepared to help you preserve the quality of life you have today.
As an essential service, we will continue to do our part to protect our community’s food supply, as well as your homes and businesses, from pest-related property threats and most importantly, protect your family and loved ones from pest-specific public health threats.
How we are providing safe customer service:
- Office Staff is working from home
- Weekly team meetings are being held virtually
- Wearing proper personal protective equipment (face masks, gloves & disposable shoe covers)
- Pest Management Pros starting their routes from home
- Pest Management Pros coming into the office one at a time throughout the day to restock on necessary supplies
- Encouraging customers to pay online or over the phone
- Maintain a social distance of no less than 6 feet while performing pest treatments
- Applying hand sanitizer immediately before & after each service
- Offering a “no-sign” option for completed service tickets
Still hesitant to have a Pest Management Pro inside? We can still service from the exterior to keep pests out. We also offer service consultations remotely over the phone or through video.
FREE Resources to Help Work From Home Parents!
Due to social distancing to slow the curve of the COVID-19 outbreak many parents have suddenly found themselves working from home with kids by their side. Schools have been cancelled for at least a short time, but possibly for months. Many are adjusting to a new work from home gig. At the same time they are scrambling to come up with a short term education plan for their kids. Luckily Pest World for Kids is creating free resources to help work from home parents with this very issue.
Working from home with a child by your side can be challenging. There are still deadlines to meet, but the added distractions make it difficult to focus. Finding small activities for kids to work on by themselves is key for you to get something done on your to do list! At this same time, you want to be grateful for the extra time you have been given to spend with them. Pest World for Kids is helping provide FREE resources to help work from home parents with both!
Pest World for Kids has lesson plans ready for parents complete with FREE downloads, activities and games, as well as suggested age appropriate books. They provide a variety of things to do with your kids, but also things they can do on their own. They even went as far to give you the Correlations with National Standards for those who need it!